Saturday, July 2, 2011

Strawberry Fields Forever

 I simply love summer fruits, strawberries being number 1
Fresh, juicy, shining red, easy to eat: perfect for a relaxing summer day sunbathing along the swimming-pool.
The fruit of passion: they go with chocolate, wipped cream, sugar or whatever you can up with!
I can hear The Beatles singing in the back of my mind already and without even noticing I start day dreaming.

Amo i frutti estivi e le fragole sono le mie numero 1
Frescehm, succose, di un rosso brillante e facili da mangiare: perfette per una giornata estiva rilassante a bordo piscina.
Il frutto della passione: vanno bene con il cioccolato, la panna, lo zucchero o qualsiasi cosa vi venga in mente!
Sento gia' i Beatles cantare nel retro della mia mente e senza nemmero accorgermene inizio a sognare ad occhi aperti.

...Let me take you down caus I'm goin' to strawberry fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about.
Strawberry fields forever.
Always know sometimes think it's me.
But you know I know and it's a dream.
I think I know of thee, ah, yes but it's all wrong
that is. I think I disagree
Let me take you down caus I'm goin' to strawberry fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about.
Strawberry fields forever...


  1. io sono quella piccolina a destra :-)))))

  2. hahaha si, sei venuta benissimo nella foto! Come tutti del resto, siamo proprio da mordere :)
